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List of DSOs


Annotation Meaning
Bold Constellation
Italics Star

List of Messier Objects

Messier number Common name Picture Object type How to find Constellation \(m\)
M1[17] Crab Nebula Supernova remnant Find “V” shape in Taurus “V” shape branches into Elnath (Auriga) and Tianguan
From Tianguan, move 1° in the direction of Elnath
Taurus 8.4
M2[18] Globular cluster Find the second star on the long arm of Aquarius (Sadalsuud)
Draw a line to closest leg end of Pegasus (Enif)
Move 4°45’ in the direction of this line from Sadalsuud
Aquarius 6.3
M3[19] Globular cluster Find Coma Berenices
On the side pointing to Bootes, extend in the direction of the line by 6°51’
Or, Approximately 12° top right of Arcturus
Canes Venatici 6.2
M4[20] Globular cluster Beside Antares Scorpius 5.9
M5[21] Rose Cluster Globular cluster From Arcturus, draw line through straight leg of Bootes, extend for 15° Serpens 6.7
M6[22] Butterfly Cluster Open cluster Draw a line from Lesath to Shaula at the tail of Scorpius
Extend line by 4°42’
Scorpius 4.2
M7[23] Ptolemy Cluster Open cluster From previous line drawn to find M6, go perpendicularly up by approximately the same distance Scorpius 3.3
M8[24] Lagoon Nebula Nebula with cluster Form an equilateral triangle with Kaus Borealis and Polis, M8 is on the other end Sagittarius 6.0
M9[25] Globular cluster Find the tombstone of Ophiuchus
Taking Rasalhague to be the top, M9 is 3°37’ from the bottom left
Ophiuchus 8.4
M10[26] Globular cluster Middle of Ophiuchus Ophiuchus 6.4
M11[27] Wild Duck Cluster Open cluster Find the longest side of Scutum
Starting from the star closest to Aquila, move 1°33’ along this side, M11 is slightly outside the shape of Scutum
Scutum 6.3
M12[28] Globular cluster Middle of Ophiuchus, towards the right of M10, side opposite of M9 and M14 Ophiuchus 7.7
M13[29] Great Globular Cluster in Hercules Globular cluster Find the Trapezium of Hercules. On the side closer to Corona Borealis, M13 is at the midpoint of that side. Hercules 5.8
M14[30] Globular cluster Find side of Ophiuchus closer to Sagittarius. M14 is 7°49’ from the top end, and lies 1°37’ outside the tombstone Ophiuchus 8.3
M15[31] Globular cluster Find the corner of the square of Pegasus that is diagonally opposite of the corner that links to Andromeda. Make your way down the arm until it ends at Enif, draw a line from Biham to Enif, extend by 4° to M15 Pegasus 6.2
M16[32] Eagle Nebula H II region nebula with cluster Find side of Scutum closest to Sagittarius. Extend the side in the direction of Ophiuchus by 2°34’. Serpens 6.0
M17[33] Omega, Swan, Horseshoe, or Lobster Nebula            H II region nebula with cluster Forms an equilateral triangle with M16 and the closest star in Scutum. Sagittarius 6.0
M18[34]            Open cluster Right beside M17, direction of Sagittarius. Sagittarius 7.5
M19[35]            Globular cluster Draw a line from Sabik in Ophiuchus to Xamidura in Scorpius. M19 is in the middle. Ophiuchus 7.5
M20[36] Trifid Nebula            H II region nebula with cluster Right beside M8, in the direction of Polis Sagittarius 6.3
M21[37]            Open cluster Right beside M20, in the direction of Polis Sagittarius 6.5
M22[38] Sagittarius Cluster            Globular cluster Find the line connecting Polis and Kaus Borealis. From Kaus Borealis, draw a perpendicular line in the direction away from M8 of length 2°30’. Sagittarius 5.1
M23[39]            Open cluster Find the tail of Serpens. Take the 2 stars pointing towards Ophiuchus and extend in the other direction by 5°55’. Sagittarius 6.9
M24[40] Sagittarius Star Cloud            Milky Way star cloud Between Polis and M17 Sagittarius 4.6
M25[41]            Open cluster Find M18. Draw a line from M18 to the closest star in Scutum. Now draw another line perpendicular to that from M18 of length 3°30’ pointing towards Sagittarius. Sagittarius 4.6
M26[42]            Open cluster Middle of Scutum Scutum 8.0
M27[43] Dumbbell Nebula            Planetary nebula Starting from the midpoint of the 2 stars at the tip of the arrow of Sagitta, move 3° in the direction of Vulpecula. Vulpecula 7.5
M28[44]            Globular cluster Lies on the line between Polis and Kaus Borealis. Move 1° away from Kaus Borealis along the line Sagittarius 7.7
M29[45] Cooling Tower            Open cluster Find the star at the center of the cross of Cygnus (Sadr). Move 1°37’ in the direction of Sagitta. Cygnus 7.1
M30[46] Jellyfish Cluster            Globular cluster Find the 2 triangles of Capricornus. Take the 3 stars closest to Deneb Algedi. Form a rectangle with the three stars, M30 is on the corner with no stars. Capricornus 7.7
M31[47] Andromeda Galaxy            Spiral galaxy Find Andromeda. Find Mirach, the second star from Alpheratz, corner star of Pegasus. Form a line from Mirach to a star perpendicular to Andromeda. Extend the line 7°33’ from Mirach. Andromeda 3.4
M32[48]            Dwarf elliptical galaxy Same as M31 Andromeda 8.1
M33[49] Triangulum Galaxy            Spiral galaxy From the line drawn for M31, go 7° from Mirach in the opposite direction of M31. Triangulum 5.7
M34[50]            Open cluster Form an equilateral triangle using Algol and Miram in Perseus. The other end of the triangle is M34. Perseus 5.5
M35[51]            Open cluster Find the twins of Gemini. From Castor (the twin closer to Auriga), trace a line to the “boot”, a curve of stars towards the bottom of the constellation M35 is right above the boot. Gemini 5.3
M36[52]            Open cluster Form a line from Elnath to Mahasim in Auriga. Draw a perpendicular line from the midpoint of this line, extend this perpendicular line by 1°42’ into Auriga. Auriga 6.3
M37[53]            Open cluster Form a line from Elnath to Mahasim in Auriga. Draw a perpendicular line from the midpoint of this line and extend it towards Gemini by 2°. Auriga 6.2
M38[54]            Open cluster Extend the previous perpendicular line by 3°55’ in the other direction. Auriga 7.4
M39[55]            Open cluster Form a line from Deneb to the star furthest away from Cygnus in Lacerta. Move 9°8’ along this line. Cygnus 5.5
M40[56] Winnecke 4            Double star Find the Big Dipper. Form a line from Phecda to Megrez and extend it by 1°23’. Ursa Major 9.7
M41[57]            Open cluster Find Sirius. Go 4° towards the South. Canis Major 4.5
M42[58] Orion Nebula            H II region nebula Right under Orion’s belt. In the direction of Rigel. Orion 4.0
M43[59] De Mairan's Nebula            H II region nebula (part of the Orion Nebula) Same as M42 Orion 9.0
M44[60] Beehive Cluster            Open cluster Find the center line of stars in Cancer. M44 is around the middle. Cancer 3.7
M45[61] Pleiades            Open cluster Visible to naked eye Taurus 1.6
M46[62]            Open cluster Form a line from Sirius to Muliphein, star on the head of Canis Major. Continue in the same direction for 8°. Puppis 6.1
M47[63] File:M47a.jpg Open cluster Using the same line for M46, move 1° in the same direction. Puppis 4.2
M48[64] File:M48a.jpg Open cluster Find the head of Hydra. Form a line between the 2 stars that are the furthest apart. Extend towards the direction of Monoceros by an additional 11°. Hydra 5.5
M49[65] File:Messier 49 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Elliptical galaxy Find Virgo and Leo. In the region between Virgo and Denebola. Virgo 9.4
M50[66] File:M50a.jpg Open cluster Form a line from Sirius to the tip of the triangle head of Canis Major. Continue in the same direction for about 4°. Monoceros 5.9
M51[67] Whirlpool Galaxy File:Whirlpool (M51).jpg Spiral galaxy Form a line from Mizar to Alkaid, the two stars at the end of the handle on the Big Dipper. Turn 90° towards Canes Venatici. Move about 3° in that direction. Canes Venatici 8.4
M52[68] File:M52atlas.jpg Open cluster Form a line from Shedar to Caph, 2 stars on the narrower end of Cassiopeia. Extend from Caph by 6°. Cassiopeia 5.0
M53[69] File:Globular Cluster M53.jpg Globular cluster Find the 2 stars from the corner of Virgo closest to Coma Berenices. Form a line between them and extend by 7°30’ in the direction of Coma Berenices. Coma Berenices 8.3
M54[70] File:Messier54.jpg Globular cluster Bottom left of the teapot of Sagittarius. Sagittarius 8.4
M55[71] File:Messier55.jpg Globular cluster Form a line between the 2 stars on the side of the teapot of Sagittarius furthest from Scorpius. Extend the line by 8° in the direction of the tail of Sagittarius. Sagittarius 7.4
M56[72] File:M56-LRGB.jpg Globular cluster Form a line from the tail star of Cygnus to the side of Lyra furthest from Vega. M56 is 3°50’ from the tail of Cygnus on this line. Lyra 8.3
M57[73] Ring Nebula File:M57 The Ring Nebula.JPG Planetary nebula Find the parallelogram of Lyra. M57 lies in the midpoint of the smaller side opposite of Vega. Lyra 8.8
M58[74] File:M58s (visible).jpg Barred Spiral galaxy Find Virgo and Leo. In the region between Virgo and Denebola. Virgo 10.5
M59[75] File:Messier59 - HST - Potw1921a.jpg Elliptical galaxy Find Virgo and Leo. In the region between Virgo and Denebola. Virgo 10.6
M60[76] File:Messier 60 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Elliptical galaxy Find Virgo and Leo. In the region between Virgo and Denebola. Virgo 9.8
M61[77] File:Messier61 - ESO - Potw1901a.tif Spiral galaxy Find Virgo and Leo. In the region between Virgo and Denebola. Virgo 10.2
M62[78] File:Messier object 062.jpg Globular cluster Between Scorpius and Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus 7.4
M63[79] Sunflower Galaxy File:M63s.jpg Spiral galaxy From the side of Coma Berenices pointing towards the Big Dipper, extend by 14°(approximately midway to Mirzar) Canes Venatici 9.3
M64[80] Black Eye Galaxy File:Blackeyegalaxy.jpg Spiral galaxy Within the square of Coma Berenices. Coma Berenices 9.4
M65[81] Leo Triplet File:M65.jpg Barred Spiral galaxy Form a line from Zosma to Chertan, the 2 stars that form the tail triangle of Leo with Denebola. Extend south by an additional 3.5°. Leo 10.3
M66[82] Leo Triplet File:Phot-33c-03-fullres.jpg Barred Spiral galaxy Same as M65 Leo 8.9
M67[83] File:Messier object 067.jpg Open cluster Form a line through the middle 2 stars of Cancer. Extend by 6°33’ towards Hydra. Cancer 6.1
M68[84] File:Messier object 068.jpg Globular cluster Find Corvus. Extend the side furthest from Crater by 3°20’. Hydra 9.7
M69[85] File:Messier object 069.jpg Globular cluster Bottom right of the teapot of Sagittarius. Sagittarius 8.3
M70[86] File:Messier70.jpg Globular cluster Midpoint of the base of the teapot in Sagittarius. Sagittarius 9.1
M71[87] File:Messier71.jpg Globular cluster Midpoint of the 2 stars that form the body of the arrow of Sagitta. Sagitta 6.1
M72[88] File:Messier72.jpg Globular cluster Form a line from (Albali) the end star of Aquarius, to the middle star of Capricornus. Move 3°26’ from Aquarius. Aquarius 9.4
M73[89] File:Messier 073 2MASS.jpg Asterism 1°23’ from M72. Aquarius 9.0
M74[90] Phantom Galaxy[91] File:Messier 74 by HST.jpg Spiral galaxy Extend the line between the 2 brightest stars in Aries by 10.5° towards Pisces. Pisces 10.0
M75[92] File:Messier75.jpg Globular cluster Between Sagittarius and Capricornus. Sagittarius 9.2
M76[93] Little Dumbbell Nebula File:M76-RL5-DDmin-Gamma-LRGB 883x628.jpg Planetary nebula Starting from (Almach) tails star of Andromeda, go 9°42’ into Cassiopeia. Perseus 10.1
M77[94] Cetus A File:M77 Galaxy from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope courtesy Adam Block.jpg Spiral galaxy Find the head of Cetus, starting there, move down its neck by one star to δ Ceti, then turn 90° and move 53’ in the direction of Eridanus. Cetus 9.6
M78[95] File:Messier 78.jpg Diffuse nebula Starting from Alnitak, go 2°30’ in the direction of Betelguese. Orion 8.3
M79[96] File:M79a.jpg Globular cluster Form a line from the 2 middle stars of Lepus, move 3°55’ in the direction opposite of Orion. Lepus 8.6
M80[97] File:A Swarm of Ancient Stars - GPN-2000-000930.jpg Globular cluster Find the 3 claws of Scorpius. Midway between the claw closest to Ophiuchus. Scorpius 7.9
M81[98] Bode's Galaxy File:Messier 81 HST.jpg Spiral galaxy Starting from Draco’s tail star, find a dim star 4°20’ in the direction of Lynx. Form a line between the two stars, extend by another 4° in the same direction. Ursa Major 6.9
M82[99] Cigar Galaxy File:JPEG M82 Cigar Galaxyjn.jpg Starburst galaxy Same as M81. Ursa Major 8.4
M83[100] Southern Pinwheel Galaxy File:M83 - Southern Pinwheel.jpg Barred Spiral galaxy Form a line from the tails star of Hydra to the head star of Centaurus (Menkent). Move 8°50’ from Menkent along this line. Hydra 7.5
M84[101] File:Messier 84 nucleus Hubble.jpg Lenticular galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Virgo 10.1
M85[102] File:Messier 85 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Lenticular galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Coma Berenices 10.0
M86[103] File:Messier 86 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Lenticular galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Virgo 9.8
M87[104] Virgo A File:Messier 87 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Elliptical galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Virgo 9.6
M88[105] File:M88s.jpg Spiral galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Coma Berenices 10.4
M89[106] File:Messier89 - HST - Potw1902a.tif Elliptical galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Virgo 10.7
M90[107] File:Messier90 - SDSS DR14 (panorama).jpg Spiral galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Virgo 10.3
M91[108] File:M91s.jpg Barred Spiral galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Coma Berenices 11.0
M92[109] File:Globular Cluster M92.JPG Globular cluster Find the star on the trapezium of Hercules closest to Lyra. Form a line from the star to Rastaban the star in Draco closest to the trapezium. Hercules 6.3
M93[110] File:Messier object 093.jpg Open cluster 1°24’ from Azmidi, star at the head of Puppis. Puppis 6.0
M94[111] Croc's Eye or Cat's Eye File:Messier 94.jpg Spiral galaxy Find the midpoint of Canes Venatici. Move 1°37’ in the direction of Ursa Major perpendicularly. Canes Venatici 9.0
M95[112] File:The VLT goes lion hunting.jpg Barred Spiral galaxy Find the midpoint of the line between Regulus and Chertan in Leo. Move 2°16’ perpendicularly in the direction away from Leo. Leo 11.4
M96[113] File:NGC 3368 ESO.jpg Spiral galaxy Same as M95. Leo 10.1
M97[114] Owl Nebula File:M97-stargazer-obs.jpg Planetary nebula Find Merak and Phecda, 2 stars at the bottom of the ladle of Ursa Major. Starting from Merak, go 2°7’ towards Phecda. Move perpendicularly away from Ursa Major by 50’. Ursa Major 9.9
M98[115] File:M-98.jpg Spiral galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Coma Berenices 11.0
M99[116] File:M99.jpg Spiral galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Coma Berenices 10.4
M100[117] File:Messier 100 and Supernova SN 2006X.jpg Spiral galaxy Virgo supercluster. Between Virgo and Leo. Coma Berenices 10.1
M101[118] Pinwheel Galaxy File:M101 hires STScI-PRC2006-10a.jpg Spiral galaxy Starting from Mirzar, the star at the bent of the handle of the Big Dipper. In the direction of Hercules, find a dim star 2°26’ away. Form a line from Mirzar to this star extend by another 3°15’. Ursa Major 7.9
M102[119] Spindle Galaxy File:Ngc5866 hst big.png Lenticular galaxy Find Draco and Thuban. Find another star on Draco right behind Thuban towards Draco’s tail. Extend this line by 11°27’. Draco 10.7
M103[120] File:Messier object 103.jpg Open cluster Between Ruchbah and Segin. Cassiopeia 7.4
M104[121] Sombrero Galaxy File:M104 ngc4594 sombrero galaxy hi-res.jpg Spiral galaxy Between Virgo and Corvus. Virgo 9.0
M105[122] File:Messier105 - HST - Potw1901a.jpg Elliptical galaxy Same as M95. Leo 10.2
M106[123] File:M106 - Messier 106 Galaxy.jpg Spiral galaxy Between Canes Venatici and Ursa Major. Canes Venatici 9.1
M107[124] File:Messier object 107.jpg Globular cluster Starting from Saik, the star in Ophiuchus closest to Scorpius, move 2°43’ in the direction of Scorpius. Ophiuchus 8.9
M108[125] File:Messier108 - SDSS DR 14 (panorama).jpg Barred Spiral galaxy Find Merak and Phecda, 2 stars at the bottom of the ladle of Ursa Major. Starting from Merak, go 1°28’ towards Phecda. Move perpendicularly away from Ursa Major by 20’. Ursa Major 10.7
M109[126] File:Messier109 - SDSS DR14 (panorama).jpg Barred Spiral galaxy Find Merak and Phecda, 2 stars at the bottom of the ladle of Ursa Major. Starting from Phecda, extend the line by 40’. Ursa Major 10.6
M110[127]            Dwarf elliptical galaxy Same as M31. Andromeda 9.0

Extra Deep Sky Objects

Name Number Type Constellation How to Find It?
Double Cluster NGC 884 & 869 Open star cluster Between Perseus and Cassiopeia Draw a line from Navi, the center star of Cassiopeia, to Ruchbah, the bottom star of the wider triangle in Cassiopeia, continue the line to the double clusters.
Helix nebula NGC 7293 Planetary nebula Aquarius Start with Fomalhaut in Pisces Austrinus, then find a faint star above it, and two faint stars below it, both forming Pisces Austrinus. Draw a line from the middle of the two bottom stars to the top star, continue to Helix nebula.
Sculptor’s spiral NGC 253 galaxy Sculptor Start with the arc of Aquarius that is further away from Pisces Austrinus, then continue down to Diphda in Cetus, from there, move perpendicular to the direction earlier towards Sculptor, you should find the galaxy on your way there.
Flame nebula NGC 2024 Cluster associated with nebulosity Orion Right beside the belt star of Alnitak.
Tau Canis Majoris cluster C64 or NGC 2362 Open cluster Canis Major
Great barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 Barred spiral galaxy Fornax
Fornax A NGC 1316 Elliptical galaxy collided with another galaxy Fornax
False Comet, Northern Jewel Box C76 or NGC 6231 Open star cluster Scorpius Near Zeta (ζ) Scorpii
ω Centauri Cluster C80 or NGC 5139 Globular star cluster Centaurus Somewhere in between Alnair (Baten Kentaurus) and Muhlifan
Jewel Box C94 or NGC 4755 Open star cluster Crux Southwest of Mimosa

M1 (Crab Nebula)

![M1.jpg](./messiers/M1.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 1, the Crab Nebula, a <a href="">Supernova remnant, that does not look like a crab at all</a></figcaption>

How to find

Find “V” shape in Taurus

“V” shape branches into Elnath (Auriga) and Tianguan
From Tianguan, move 1° in the direction of Elnath


Property Value
Right Ascension 05h 34m 30s
Declination +22° 00′ 52.2″
Distance 6500±1600 ly (2000±500 pc)
Visual magnitude 8.4
Apparent Dimension 6′x4′

sources: for distance, for everything else


![M2.jpg](./messiers/M2.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 2, a <a href="">Globular cluster</a></figcaption>

How to find

Find the second star on the long arm of Aquarius (Sadalsuud)
Draw a line to closest leg end of Pegasus (Enif)

Move 4°45’ in the direction of this line from Sadalsuud


Property Value
Right Ascension 21h 33m 27.02s
Declination -00° 49′ 23.7″
Distance 55000 ly (17 kpc)
Visual magnitude 6.5
Apparent Dimension 16.0′

sources: for distance, for everything else


![M3.jpg](./messiers/M3.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 3, a <a href="">Globular cluster</a></figcaption>

How to find

Find Coma Berenices

On the side pointing to Bootes, extend in the direction of the line by 6°51’

Or, Approximately 12° top right of Arcturus


Property Value
Right Ascension 13h 42m 11.62s
Declination +28° 22′ 38.2″
Distance 33.9 kly (10.4 kpc)
Visual magnitude 6.2
Apparent Dimension 18.0′


M4 (Crab Globular Cluster, Spider Globular Cluster)

![M4.jpg](./messiers/M4.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 4 (aka Crab <a href="">Globular cluster</a> or Spider <a href="">Globular cluster</a>)</figcaption>

How to find

Beside Antares


Property Value
Right Ascension 16h 23m 35.22s
Declination -26° 31′ 32.7″
Distance 7.2 kly (2.2 kpc)
Visual magnitude 5.9
Apparent Dimension 36.0′

M5 (Rose Cluster)

![M5.jpg](./messiers/M5.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 5, a <a href="">Globular cluster</a> </figcaption>

How to find

From Arcturus, draw line through straight leg of Bootes, extend for 15°


Property Value
Right Ascension 15h 18m 33.22s
Declination +02° 04′ 51.7″
Distance 24.5 kly (7.5 kpc)
Visual magnitude 5.95
Apparent Dimension 23.0′

M6 (Butterfly Cluster)

![M6.jpg](./messiers/M6.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 6 (aka Butterfly Cluster), an <a href="">Open cluster</a> </figcaption>

How to find

Find M7 first

From previous line drawn to find M7, go perpendicularly up by approximately the same distance

Property Value
Right Ascension 17h 40.1m
Declination −32° 13′
Distance 1.59 kly (0.487 kpc)
Visual magnitude 4.2
Apparent Dimension 25′

sources: 1 2

M7 (Ptolemy Cluster)

![M7.jpg](./messiers/M6.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 7 (aka Ptolemy Cluster), an <a href="">Open cluster</a> </figcaption>

How to find

Draw a line from Lesath to Shaula at the tail of Scorpius

Extend line by 4°42’


Property Value
Right Ascension 17h 53m 51.2s
Declination −34° 47′ 34″
Distance 980 ± 33 ly (300 ± 10 pc)
Visual magnitude 3.3
Apparent Dimension 80.0′

sources: 1 2

M8 (Lagoon Nebula)

![M8.jpg](./messiers/M8.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 8 (aka Lagoon Nebula), a <a href="">Nebula</a> with cluster</figcaption>

How to find

Form an equilateral triangle with Kaus Borealis and Polis, M8 is on the other end

Property Value
Right Ascension 18h 03m 27s
Declination −24° 23′ 12″
Distance 4100 ly (1250 pc)
Visual magnitude 6.0
Apparent Dimension 90′x40′


![M9.jpg](./messiers/M9.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 9, a <a href="">Globular Cluster</a></figcaption>

How to find

Find the tombstone (main 6-sided shape) of Ophiuchus

Taking Rasalhague to be the top, M9 is 3°37’ from the bottom left

Property Value
Right Ascension 17h 19m 11.78s
Declination −18° 30′ 58.5″
Distance 25.8 kly (7.9 kpc)
Visual magnitude 7.7
Apparent Dimension 9.3′


![M10.jpg](./messiers/M10.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 10, a <a href="">Globular Cluster</a></figcaption>

How to find

Middle of Ophiucus

Property Value
Right Ascension 17h 19m 11.78s
Declination −18° 30′ 58.5″
Distance 25.8 kly (7.9 kpc)
Visual magnitude 7.7
Apparent Dimension 9.3′

M11 (Wild Duck Cluster)

![M11.jpg](./messiers/M11.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 11 (aka Wild Duck Cluster), an <a href="">Open Cluster</a></figcaption>

How to find

Find the longest side of Scutum

Starting from the star closest to Aquila, move 1°33’ along this side, M11 is slightly outside the shape of Scutum

Property Value
Right Ascension 18h 51m 05.0s
Declination −06° 16′ 12″
Distance 6120 ly (1877 pc)
Visual magnitude 5.8
Apparent Dimension 22.8′


![M12.jpg](./messiers/M12.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 12, a <a href="">Globular Cluster</a></figcaption>

How to find

Middle of Ophiuchus, towards the right of M10, side opposite of M9 and M14

Property Value
Right Ascension 16h 47m 14.18s
Declination −01° 56′ 54.7″
Distance 16.44 ± 0.16 kly (5.04 ± 0.05 kpc)
Visual magnitude 6.7
Apparent Dimension 16.0′


![M13.jpg](./messiers/M13.jpg){ width="480px", align=right}
<figcaption>Messier 13, a <a href="">Globular Cluster</a></figcaption>

How to find

Middle of Ophiuchus, towards the right of M10, side opposite of M9 and M14

Property Value
Right Ascension 16h 41m 14.24s
Declination +36° 27′ 35.5″
Distance 22.2 kly (6.8 kpc)
Visual magnitude 5.8
Apparent Dimension 20′